

Here are some of my favorite adventures, photos and words. :)

Hope you have a nice stay!

Happy Place

Happy Place

Since I’ve started doing this whole blog thing, this is probably the hardest I’ve had to dig mentally. Thoughts are floating around but I can’t seem to grasp them in a logical order. I think I want to give up. But I know better... that’s the depression trying to get me to take the easy route. It may come off as rambling, so I apologize in advance if this bores you, but here’s me trying to keep the darkness at bay. 

Several years ago, I went camping with friends at Hunting Island State Park. Aside from the company, my favorite memory is sunrise. I slept in my hammock the night before and I woke just before dawn broke. I slung my legs over the side, grabbed my phone and headed for the beach. Even though the campground was full, it was a chilly October morning and no one else was on the beach. 


Peace washed over me as I listened to the waves breaking over the trees and beach, the cool breeze chilling my face. Gulls were catching rides on the wind and the hoof prints in the sand showed signs of deer and raccoon. Everything so simple.. it all making so much sense. I found a stump, sat for a while and absorbed every bit of positive energy I could as a new day was born. 

Anyway, this is one of those “happy place” moments for me. When my brain is racing or only thinking of the negative, I try to center myself in this moment. I remind myself that moments are temporary and just as the perfect moment on the beach didn’t last forever, neither will the darkness.

Keep your head up. Keep pressing on. Or as Dory so eloquently states, “Just keep swimming.”

