

Here are some of my favorite adventures, photos and words. :)

Hope you have a nice stay!

Car Camping - Upstate S. Carolina

Car Camping - Upstate S. Carolina

I was able to run away to the mountains a couple weekends ago and it was everything my body and soul needed! I headed to the Upstate mid-morning on Sunday, successfully navigated my way to Jumping Off Rock and was able to enjoy dinner with a view!

Jumping Off Rock is located in the Jocassee Gorges Wilderness Area and it is accessible via Horse Pasture Rd. on the northern side and/or Shooting Tree Ridge Rd. on the southern side. Both routes will take around 45 minutes. 4-wheel drive is recommended but a minivan did pull up the next morning. If there’s a chance of inclement weather, I would err on the side of caution and go in a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

It was a little intimidating being in the woods alone in the dark but I told my ‘I’ve seen too many movies’ fear to “shut up” and I enjoyed the night sky.

I made it through the night - warm, comfy and cozy! I enjoyed coffee with my breakfast, listened to the wind in the trees and even spotted a couple Peregrine falcons!

I had the woods to myself until around noon! I figured it was time to move on to stop two. I headed down the mountain and Hwy 11 to Keowee-Toxaway State Park. I had the tent campground to myself! I swung in the hammock and journaled a bit. Built a fire with my lizard buddy by my side - he was soaking up every ounce of sun. Read. Made dinner. Took some more star photos. Relaxed. It was perfect.

10/10 - Recommend

PS. Recreate responsibly and please Leave No Trace!

